Thursday, 14 June 2012


Uit die argiewe:

Hierdie foto kom uit die argiewe van die kunssentrum.  As jy enigiemand herken, 
skryf asb neer en vertel n bietjie jou ervarings van die kunssentrum.
stuur gerus ook ou fotos met kommentaar.

Hierdie foto uit die argiewe wys hoe die Kunssentrum gelyk het voordat dit n ekstra verdieping by gekry het.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

from the Drawing class

Akshay Bhoodia

 Chester Miggels

 Nicolene Burger

 Deidre Stofberg

 Hayley Apollis

 Samantha Benjamin

 Juandre Hermanson

Chester Miggels

Drawing students worked intensively this term and made us very proud of the results!

Sheer Elegance!

Our building makes us feel proud and inspired! Recently the interior of the building was repaired and repainted. Our garden and feathered friends create a beautiful environment for creativity and hard work to flourish.

the new café

Next door to the art shop is a café for students, visitors and staff to relax and about comfortable, affordable, stylish and friendly! Next door to that is a new art venue and gallery...full of promise and potential!

Our new shop

We recently moved our art shop into a bigger space...this means more products on the shelves and happy customers!